Informação PCM-Portugal

Liga Virtual 2025: draft já se encontra a decorrer!

Data/Hora: 19 Fev 2025, 10:17

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 Assunto da Mensagem: PCM World Cup 2018
MensagemEnviado: 21 Mar 2018, 22:13 
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Registado: 20 Mar 2010, 15:43
Mensagens: 114
Localização: Italy

World Cup time is coming also this year with Pro Cycling Manager italia organizing PCM World Cup 2018.

The World Cup will last from april 9 to may 29 with Solo and Team World Cup on Road and Track races.
All the information will be available on in the section of PCM World cup.

Subscriptions opened on 19th march and will close on 5 april for the Solo World Cup. You can find on Pro Cycling Manager Italia forum calendar, rules and subscriptions topic. ... -cup-2018/

_________________ moderator since 2010
PCM World Cup 2010 and 2011 Organizer

"Maybe the giro is not hard enough" (Angelo Zomegnan)

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